Nmap Cheat Sheet 2025: Complete Guide

Nmap cheat sheet 2025 complete guide

Here is the Cheat Sheet For Nmap Commands which also include Advance Level, So enjoy!


nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target}

Host Discovery

-snPing Scan (It will disable Port Scanning)
-PnTreat all hosts as online
-PSUses TCP SYN Packet
-PAUses TCP ACK Packet
-PUUses UDP Packet
-PYUses SCTP Packet
-PEUses ICMP echo Packet
-PPUses ICMP timestamp Packet
-PMUses ICMP netmask request discovery Packet
-PRUses ARP Protocol for Ping
-RDo reverse DNS lookup
-nDo not do reverse DNS lookup
–dns-servers <IP>Use Specified DNS server
–system-dnsUse System (OS) DNS resolver
–tracerouteTrace hop path to the target host

NOTE: Here is a complete Nmap Tutorial for beginners!

Port Scanning

-sSUses only SYN Flag in TCP Packet, also known as Stealth Scan
-sAUses only ACK Flag in TCP Packet
-sTMakes a Full handshake, also known as TCP Connect Scan
-sWSame as -sA But analyzes the window size of the target host and then differentiates between closed or open ports
-sMIt uses FIN and ACK Flag, If the target system drops the Packet then it may indicate that the port is open
-sUYou can use Customize flags like SYN, ACK, FIN, URG, PUSH or RESET
-sNNull scan, it does not use any TCP Flag
-sFOnly uses FIN Flag
-sXUses FIN, PUSH, and URG Flag at once
-sI <IP:port>Idle Scan, Uses a Zombie Host
-sOUses IP Protocol instead of TCP Protocol
-sYUses SCTP INIT Protocol
–scanflags <flag>You can use Customize flags like SYN, ACK,FIN, URG, PUSH or RESET
-6 <IPv6>Enable IPv6 scanning

NOTE: Nmap stealth Scan is not stealthy anymore, Here are Five Reasons!

Port Specifications

-p <port-number>To specify scanning ports
-p-Scan all 65535 Ports
–exclude-ports <port-number>To exclude specified port
-FScan fewer ports, also known as Fast mode
-rScan port in sequence not in random order

Service/Version Detection

-sVDetermine Version Information of the open Ports
–version-intensity <0-9>Determine Version Information with accuracy (0 means lightest and 9 means highest)
–version-light Uses normal intensity i.e: 2
–version-allUses the highest accuracy 9
–version-traceShows detailed scan activity (for debugging)

OS Detection

-ODetect OS running on the target
–osscan-guessUsed to Guess OS
–osscan-limitLimits OS detection
-AAggressive scan, it detects OS running, versions detection, and more!

Timing and Performance

-T <0-5>Timing Template (0 is slowest, 5 is fastest)
–scan-delay <time>Used to adjust delay Between Packets sent
–min-rate <time>Send packets no slower than <time> per second
–max-rate <time>Send packets no faster than <time> per second


-fFragment sending packets
–mtu <value>Use specified MTU size (in bytes)
-D RND:Decoy scan (scan the target host with random IP address)
-S <ip-address>Spoof Source address
e <interface>Use specified Interface
–source-port <number>Use specified source port
–proxies <IP> relay on specified proxies
–data-length <number>Append random data to the sending packets
–ttl <number>Use to specify TTL value
–spoof-mac <mac-address or vendor name>Use specified mac address to spoof
–badsumSend packets with fake checksum
–data <hex string>Append a custom payload to the sending packets
–data-string <string>Append a custom ASCII string to the sending packets